Web Banner

For this small project, I was tasked with creating two web banners for a new album and new movie. The sizing of the web banners were very thin and difficult to add detail to without becoming difficult to read.

Original Images

For the movie, I decided to pick Baby Driver due to having edited the movie poster in another project. For the album, I picked ‘Songs of Faith and Devotion’ from a band I like called Depeche Mode. This was due to liking the messy design they used for the cover and had many ideas of how I could incorporate this into a web banner.

Final Designs

The movie poster design uses the same font and colour scheme of the original poster with a separation between the main title and an image. This separation was designed to look like racing stripes while using darker shades from the background colour. The album cover design only used elements of the original cover but rearranged in a very messy fashion to match the style of the original. My favourite out of the two designs is definitely the album cover design. This is due to how I managed to fill most of the available space while not impacting the readabilty, while also managing to retain the original style.