Print Making

Print Making is a style of Graphics where you create designs on different materials and then use different coloured inks or paints to print them on to paper, similar to stamps. I produced these designs using three different types of Print Making including Stencil, Lino & Silkscreen.

Printing Material Design

All the designs created on the Stencil and Lino materials were first sketched out before being cut or carved. This process took a lot of time due to the material being very fragile. This meant finer detail was not possible. The photos used for the Silkscreen designs were taken by me during the Photography project. I really like the designs I made as they looked as though they would be very effective prints.

Stencil Work

To make use of all remaining paint left on the Silkscreens before washing it, I ended up using the Silkscreen, after removing the stencil, to create the orange fire design. A few of the designs were cut after being printed to create a circle outline or an outline of the shape of the print. My favourite of all the prints is the fire design using the black card due to how much of the stencil detail was captured.

Lino Work

Each one of these designs were the clearest and had the least issues compared to the other two print styles. In my opinion, the simplistic designs that I created transfered very well on to the paper and my favourite print is definitely the sea design due to the swirling patterns.

Silkscreen Work

Silkscreen printing is the easiest to create due to a machine literally setting up the silkscreen for you. It can also be used with any image that you are able to print off in black and white and provides the most amount of detail compared to the other two print styles. The problem with these designs is that it was boring to create due to being a lot less involved in the process of creating the actual designs.