Paper Weaving

Paper Weaving is the technique of printing out or creating two different pattern designs, themed around certain colours, and cutting them into equally sized strips to then weave together to create a combined pattern of both designs.

Reference Research

I first researched and saved a few plans of finished designs that had patterns that I would like to attempt to imitate. All chosen designs were picked if they were clear in how they were made and only contained two separate strips of patterns, as I figured three or more strips would have been too difficult.

Pattern Research

I next used Google Images with a filter set to look for images with a certain colour, and saved many different patterns to be printed out. I generally looked for a mixture of both detailed and simplistic patterns to use, in the hope the resulting contrast would look good together.

Final Designs

Every strip was cut using a guillotine to be the same size and then ordered to match the strips next to them when assembled. Each design was then glued onto a white piece of paper to stick down all the ends of the strips so they wouldn’t come undone. The purpose of this project was to simply test out this technique by producing a few designs for potential future use. My favourite of the three made is the blue and yellow design due to the swirl patterns matching really well with the chosen weave. I also liked the contrast of the more detailed plant pattern and simplistic swirl pattern as I felt they complemented each other.